The Perfect Bit-Sized Spirituality Book: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (A Short Review)

This book will change your life in only 128 pages & one hour. Seriously.


In a bit of a rut? Thinking about buying one of Deepak Chopra’s books? Then I’d highly recommend that you check this book out. It came to me when I had wanted to find a fresh perspective on manifestation. That’s when this book entered my life, and boy, am I glad it did!

Chopra is concise, and writes his book with absolutely no fluff. Every word is important! This little book is so full of wisdom, that I could literally not highlight anything in. Why? Because every sentence could be its own pull-quote!

Let’s chat about some of the biggest key takeaways that I wanted to elaborate on & share with you. ❤️

Key Insights

No, I’m not going to spoil all 7 of the spiritual laws for you. It’s way more fun for you to discover them on your own when you get your copy, though you could just look it up online if you really wanted to. Instead, I will hone in and review a few insightful points that Chopra makes.

Karma is NOT what you think it is

Karma is extremely misunderstood in the western world.

Learning the truth of karma has massively changed my perspective. Karma is actually a completely natural fact of life.

The meaning of the Sanskrit word “karma” means “action”. You can think of the concept of karma as: when you do an action, there’s an effect. Karma is cause & effect. This is the same reason the Law of Attraction works!

Say you call someone a name out of anger. You might believe that you’re separate from that person, but this is just an illusion. We are all connected. When you are mean to someone, you’re really just hurting yourself. That energy immediately reflects back to you. You feel the fire in your heart. Your blood pressure raises. That person may react by sending more anger right back at you. You cannot separate yourself.

This can also in put you in a negative state of mind. You will likely come across more unfavorable situations and attract more negativity in your life.

There’s not a deity deciding whether that particular action was bad or not. It’s simply a natural truth. When you do an action done in love, that love will return in an infinite amount of different ways. When you do actions out of hate or jealousy, suffering will manifest somewhere in your life. This is Law of Attraction disguised as karma!

Stop Trying So Hard

Life should be easy.

Like Chopra mentions, the nature of nature is to simply be. Flowers grow effortlessly into the beauty that we witness. They don’t try to be beautiful, they just are.

The sun blazes in all its glory. It doesn’t try to be the brightest object in the sky, it just is.

The birds in the sky don’t try day in, and day out to fly. They just fly. It’s just in their nature.

Human beings are a part of this effortless, perfect nature, by nature. We shouldn’t waste energy trying to chase. Do you want to be beautiful? Accept that you already are. Do you want tons of money? Trust in your heart that the money will come. Want to get that job really badly? Remember that your life is meant to be effortless, and that the job is already yours. If it doesn’t come, know that another opportunity that is even better than you could have imagined is on its way. It truly does work like that.

Follow your heart, your passions. Let that fire that comes from deep in your soul and guide you. This flame will sustain you in anything you do. It’s much harder to continually do things for the ego. It needs to feel right from within. This can be applied to many things in your life like in business or school. Trust your gut!

Let It Go

The only constant in life is change. To live a life of peace you must accept this truth. Embrace change.

There’s a beauty in change because that means things can always get better. If you stay thinking the same thoughts, you will have the same assumptions and then you attract the same life experiences. You must let your past go. It’s not real. Only the present moment is real. You can choose to change.

In order for new experiences to come, you must be willing to have new thoughts. These thoughts will lead to new actions you wouldn’t have previously taken before. You must change your old habits & thought patterns for this to occur. (What do they call a person who does the same thing, but expects new results?…)

Final Thoughts

I highly recommend that you check out this book. I find myself constantly referring back to it when I need some extra clarity. Lucky for me (and soon-to-be you!), Chopra has these convenient summary pages that explain clearly how you can actively practice each of the spiritual laws. I go back to these often.

I hope this short review of Las Siete Leyes Espirituales del Éxito (or The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success for my English readers!) has inspired you to take a look at this book.

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