LADIES, Stop Letting Others’ Opinions Rule Your Life – Capturing Bad Bitch Energy


Isn’t it exhausting? Keeping up with everyone else’s thoughts about you? Take it from me, in high school, I was actually a senior class homecoming princess. I use to always mask my true self and go with what I thought everyone wanted me to be, but upon entering adulthood I realized a few things.

Those women who could be unapologetically themselves, and not care about what others thought of them–that’s what I truly wanted to be. I wanted to able to capture that Bad Bitch energy so badly. Those incredible women radiated so much power and confidence, and although I was “popular” back then, I had no real confidence.

Over the course of university and into my adulthood I finally became enlightened to what makes a real Baddie, and you can absolutely get there too. It’s just a simple mindset shift. After you read this, you too will be liberated from the burden of other people’s opinions. Find out how to unlock the core value of what makes someone a certified, unapologetic Baddie.

Women Get the Worst of it!

First of all, I understand why you are the way you are. Every 5 minutes someone gives us their unwarranted opinion. People comment on practically everything from our appearance, to our career choices, or even how we express our femininity. And if you are a mother, God bless you because society seems to judge mothers the most harshly.

We have been listening and chasing everyone else’s idea of ourselves since we were very small. We are often rewarded with high praise when we submit to these ideas. The problem is, if those opinions are not aligned with our soul or being, it will cost us a lot of our energy, which is why it’s so exhausting. You’re literally fighting against yourself 24/7. It’s gotten to a point that many of us get anxiety or might feel guilty or afraid to do the things we actually want to do in this life. It can be hard to undo years of programming, but it’s absolutely possible. You need to remember that other people’s ideas are just that–ideas. They’re not real just like how I discussed in this post.

It’s time to break free, girl.

How to Break Free from the Chains

Literally nothing anyone says matters. Seriously, not what your mom says, nor teacher and certainly not that smelly middle-aged man’s opinion at work. Once this clicks for you, you wonder how you ever thought different. They are irrelevant. Why? Because the only person’s opinion that matters is yours!

Say you’re 24 years old. Someone comes up to you and says “You’re not 24! You’re actually 18! I know what 18 year olds look like and you’re one of them”. Are you going to sit there and start to believe them? Are you going to begin to doubt if the birthday your Mama has told you your entire life is wrong, because some random person’s arbitrary opinion of what a 24 year old is? NO! You’re not, because you know for a fact that you are actually 24. You would just call that person crazy and move on with your life. There’s no reason to lose sleep on someone who’s so clearly wrong. This is how you should think about every single assumption or opinion that comes from outside of you.

It starts with knowing who you are. Once you know who you are, nothing any person can say or do can bring you down. Did someone say you’re ugly? That’s complete bullsh*t, and you should be laughing at them just like in the example above, because you know for a fact you’re hot stuff. It’s like saying ice cream isn’t tasty. It’s clear and obvious lie, and you’re going to move on and ignore what they said because you know in your heart that ice cream is the tastiest dessert that exists (I might be a bit bias here…hopefully you understand my point).

Another important thing to note is that other people’s opinions are based off of their own experiences in life. So what they might think is right really means nothing because everyone has their own unique experience in this life. You are the only one who has all the facts for your life. You’re the only one who has experienced the unique life that you’re currently experiencing. You’re the only one who hears your thoughts, sees how the wounds of the past affects you, and can see your unique visions for future. If you feel like crying and someone tells you that you’re being over-dramatic, screw that person because they are not you! They don’t know what you may have went through in your life that would give you the reaction that you’re currently having. You’re completely valid in feeling the way you feel.

Owning Your Power & Embracing Authenticity

Multiracial women with bright eyeshadows in studio
Be your unique self, girl

Real empowerment comes from within. Read that again. You don’t need me, Twitter or anyone else to empower you. You have the 100% sole ability to empower your own self. You’re just that powerful. You never have to react to anyone’s opinions. In fact, now that you’ve read this, you won’t even feel the need to react to it because you already know that nothing anyone says matters. Let them be upset that you won’t follow their “friendly advice”.

At the same time you can totally feel how you want to feel because a real Bad B is in tune with emotions and doesn’t bottle them up. So don’t be afraid to bawl if you need to bawl, as long as you’re not crying because you’re taking someone else’s perspective about you as gospel.

When you’re aligned with your true authentic self, and do the things that genuinely make you happy, your quality of life will improve immensely. Because you’re in a happier frame of mind, you’ll start to view situations in a better light. Here is where I discuss this idea into deeper detail. You’ll feel free and attract more joy into your life. When you finally embrace the real you, that’s when you’ll meet & attract other like-minded individuals in your life. You’ll like them even more too!

“No one is you, and that is your power.”

Dave Grohl (2013)

Conclusion and Self-Acceptance

Although I enjoyed being a high school homecoming princess, the girl that everyone liked wasn’t the true me. Many of the people who had fallen in love with that version of me, quickly left once they discovered the truth. But this is actually the best thing could of happened. That external validation means nothing to me anymore. No one can take away my internal validation–real validation. I was always a Queen and I didn’t even know it, and the same is true for you! The people who are in my life now love me for me without any effort on my part. I can wear what I want, do what I want and simply be who I want. This is what I want for you. To sum it up, you’re a hot confident Bad B because you say you are and that’s a fact! Claim it! If it’s true to you then no one–and I mean absolutely no one–will be able to bring you down.

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