Your imagination is your real-life superpower! (New Age Philosophy)

Let’s talk about the power of imagination.

We often underestimate just how powerful our minds can be. I mean, think about it: we can picture whole worlds in our imagination. Just envisioning a delicious, juicy hamburger can make your mouth water. That’s the psychosomatic effect in action—when our thoughts trigger physical responses.

When scientists develop new medicines, they have to consider the placebo effect. This is when people feel better simply because they believe they’re getting a real treatment, even if they’re not. Both the psychosomatic and placebo effects show us how closely our minds and bodies are connected. It’s amazing how much our mental state can influence our physical being.

All battles are first won or lost, in the mind

Joan of arc

“Reality” and “Imagination”

The word “imagination” is definitely a misleading term. Your brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. Some people (including me) even argue that imagination is more real than what we typically consider “reality.”

mexico photograph of a resort and carribean ocean
This is photo from the time I manifested a beautiful honeymoon in Mexico!

Our senses are limited to this 3D world. We’re slow, and it takes time for things to happen in the physical realm. But our minds exist in another dimension, one where infinite possibilities reside. This is where the magic happens.

When we visualize something in our minds, we start to align our thoughts and actions with these images. By accepting these scenes as true, we can manifest real-world results. These images get imprinted on our subconscious mind, which then guides us toward our goals. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is!

Believe in your “delusions”

mexican walk path at sunset
More Mexico!!

People once said Martin Luther King jr. was completely delusional to ever think that one day people of different races would be able to sit down as one. But MLK jr. saw this reality in his mind. He had his faith, which ultimately came to be.

All new things we create come from this dimension/realm and are then brought into this reality when you believe in it. It also will create a shift in your perspective, which I discuss in greater detail here. TLDR; When you choose to see a reality, you’ll begin to notice more of that scene in your outer world.

With our minds we can be anywhere, and do anything. If you’ve been trying to manifest something into your reality, but you’ve been struggling with doubts, I want you to go to your very real imagination instead. Visualize yourself in that dream house, car, dream job, or whatever you want. Be there and really enjoy it. Try to add as many senses you can in this scene. Once you’re done choosing what you want and visualizing it, creation is finished. Just accept this reality as your own and it’s done!

Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail.

genesis 2:1


So to sum it up, believe in your imaginations and let it guide you. That’s all! Please don’t try too hard. In fact, it should be easy.

If you’ve been looking for an easy way to pick yourself up and empower yourself, I created these super cute affirmation flashcards. It’s a downloadable PDF that you can get on my Etsy shop. Your purchase would support me and what I do here on this blog!

If this helped you in anyway, be sure to follow my Pinterest for more!