You Don’t Hate Exercise, You Just Have Trauma


Coming from someone who cheered on her last day of PE class in high school, I know how you feel. I absolutely hated exercising and all things physical. But now, I’ve made it to this point where I consistently workout. Actually, I look forward to moving my body every single day. I don’t do it because I have to, but because I genuinely want to.

After a bit of self-reflection, I realized that I don’t hate exercising, and neither do you. We were just traumatized… allow me to explain. In this post, I’ll explain to you how there’s an athlete already inside of you.

PE Class Absolutely Sucked!

Like most issues that we face in our adulthood, it can all be led back to those early school days. Remember being chosen last for every team? Do you remember feeling like you couldn’t breathe after a really intense run? How about coming in last for every mile run you forced to do?

Four Boys Running in Track

Did you believe you were inadequate because you were constantly missing the fitness standards? Well, the thing is, these standards are not real. The public school physical education coach had an arbitrary idea of what “average” fitness is in their minds (or taught to them by the state) and will judge you against that, but these standards are completely made up. Even if you were the the last in the class to finish that dang mile, that doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you!

In reality, your body was perfectly & UNIQUELY made. Current-day public school was not made to cater to each individual child, therefore you felt like something was wrong with you when there was nothing actually wrong. So you can’t run a 8 minute mile like some other kids. So what? In a perfect world, each coach would train up each student’s individual needs and meet them where they’re currently at, fitness-wise. Someday, I pray we will get there, but for now let’s talk about how you can overcome your aversion for all things fitness.

Are You Traumatized? Quick Self-Assessment

If you have any serious traumas, I highly recommend you see a professional since I am only a woman on the internet with no credentials whatsoever. I’m just using my own personal experiences to help you out.

With that disclaimer out of the way, I invite you to sit down for a moment and reflect on the questions down below for a moment.

  1. Do you automatically have a negative reaction or emotion to anything related to working out? This could be anxiety, fear or just a strong feeling of dislike
  2. Does the thought of exercising in front of others make you nervous?
  3. Do you get triggered by depictions of school gym class in media? Do you get flashbacks when this happens?

If you answered yes to most of these, I would like to remind you that you absolutely can overcome this and find joy in movement and exercise. Please continue on to learn how.

Overcoming Exercise Trauma

First of all, fitness & exercise is for everybody! You might have had the assumption that only certain people are capable of becoming fit & athletic, but that’s a lie.

Do not prioritize your body’s physical appearance as you begin this journey. This was a huge realization for me. Focus on how you feel. Notice how your strength is improving week to week. These results come on rather quickly. Your abs will come in due time, but I encourage you to focus more on your internal well-being.

Young Couple Jogging in the City

The best part about exercising regularly, is that you don’t even need to do it everyday (unlike language learning). You just got to do it consistently. Promise yourself you’re going to do some form of exercise at least twice a week. Stick to it. Keeping to your promises to yourself is also a great way to build confidence.

Meet yourself where you’re at currently, not where anyone else is or where you used to be or anything. Be gentle to yourself. If you miss a week, don’t give up. You only fail if you give up. Be sure to never push your body beyond its limits. Listen to your body, okay?

Celebrate the all victories and milestones, no matter how small or big they may be. Find the joy in feeling stronger, and having more vitality. Watch yourself be able to do things you were never able to do before!

Find something you enjoy! There may had been a specific sport you had really enjoyed then. Find out if there’s any local clubs in your community center. Maybe you like swimming. Find a gym with a pool. Explore your interests and once again the most important thing is that you do it consistently!

Try YouTube videos! These were my favorite source of exercise when I first began my fitness journey. I particularly love Grow With Jo. Her beginner workouts literally leave you smiling.

You Can Do This

If you’re just consistent, you will see improvement, I promise! If you haven’t been active for a while, try to start with something low-impact, and do it regularly. Eventually it becomes an almost meditative experience. It’s also very grounding, not to mention extremely rewarding! The confidence you gain from committing to yourself, and knowing how you’re becoming more and more capable is out of this world. Start today!

If this inspired you in anyway, please follow my Pinterest page or subscribe to my YouTube! Your support means the world 🙂