The 4 Most Profound Spiritual Quotes that Will Change Your Life


Sometimes, great things come in small packages. Right up there with Deepak Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws (read that review here!), this book has touched me in way that I just had to share with you. We’re going to look into the 4 most insightful quotes from Don Miguel Ruiz’s phenomenal 138-page book, The Four Agreements.

Disclaimer: I wasn’t paid to make this review in any way. Also!!! If you do pick up this book (which I highly recommend that you do) you shouldn’t have to worry about any major spoilers. I won’t directly say what The Four Agreements are, since I think it will be a lot more fun to find out for yourself.

Quote #1

Even if someone got a gun and shot you in the head, it was nothing personal. Even at that extreme.

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements (Page 53)
Left Human Hand Photo

Okay, I know we’re starting off a bit aggressive, but allow me to explain what’s going on.

Nothing anyone says to you should ever be taken personally. If someone says you’re the worst person on earth, don’t take it personally. If someone says you’re the best person in the world, still don’t take it personally. Other people’s opinions are never to be taken as fact. I wrote a lot about this kind of thing in this article. The things people tell you are based on their own upbringing & experiences. People often speak from emotion as well. It’s incredibly biased, even if they claim it’s based on fact, so you should absolutely never take anything personally.

As a highly-sensitive person this was a tough one to take in, as my emotions use to wildly change based on other people’s approval of me. This quote also is key to unlocking true Bad Bitch energy. This alone will change your perspective & protect your heart for the rest of your life.

Quote #2

…the limit of your self-abuse is exactly the limit that you will tolerate from someone else.

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements (Page 20)
Woman in Green Trench Coat Sitting and Leaning Against a Concrete Red Brick Wall

Wow. This one hit me deep.

It’s so important to pay attention to your inner voice. Become best friend with your inner voice, rather than enemies. Not only can it destroy you from the inside out (in several ways), but it also shows you how much verbal abuse you’re willing to take. In essence, it’s because you’re use to it.

Be kind to yourself. The most important relationship in this lifetime is your relationship with yourself, love.

Quote #3

The word is not just a sound…The word is a force; it is the power you have to express and communicate…

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements (Page 26)
Selective focus of crop anonymous African American man wearing white turtleneck praying with open hands

Ruiz makes an obvious, yet profound note here in this chapter: no other animal was gifted the ability to communicate the way we were gifted. Human beings are unique in our ability to curse or bless others around us. Our word is pure power. This is why it’s important to watch what you say.

Another thing thing I wanted to mention to is that our word is similar to God’s. God (or Source or whatever you want to call it) is perfect in the way He uses the Word, so I feel as though we should follow suit. Use your words carefully, and do not be careless with your word. You never know what will stick into someone’s fertile mind (especially in children) that may affect them long after you used the word against them. Be careful what your joke about and avoid using the power of your word to talk and gossip about others. Ruiz says gossip is like poison.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Quote #4

The day you stop making assumptions you will communicate cleanly and clearly, free of emotional poison.

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements (Page 72)
Man and Woman Sitting on Sidewalk

This!!!! This quote was made for me specifically! And maybe you can relate!

Assuming things can create issues that are simply not there. That’s the biggest point I got from this quote. A quick example of this is when a friend hasn’t been messaging you as frequently as they normally do. You could be quick to assume that they are mad at you. With this new reality you’ve created in your head, you automatically might become defensive because you believe you did nothing wrong. Had you just ask the person what’s up, the reality could be that they’ve been feeling ill all week, so that’s why they couldn’t reach out to you like normal.

Notice in your mind when you’re creating assumptions about someone else. If you have doubts about an action or certain behavior just ask. You have the right to ask, but they also have the right to not share, and that’s okay. That’s literally the worst thing they can do.

Wrap Up

It was super difficult to pick out just 4 profound spiritual quotes from The Four Agreements. There’s an incredible amount of wisdom here. I picked up the book for $5 at five and below and I’m so glad I did. I recommend you grab a copy and let me know what your favorite quotes were by commenting down below. Follow me on Pinterest for more spiritual book recommendations, and chats about all things metaphysical 🙂