Revitalize Yourself: 5 Practical Steps to Boost Your Confidence!


Maybe you’re on a new self-care journey and you’re looking for a clear way to boost your confidence. Perhaps you’ve been in a bit of a rut lately and want bring more positive vibes into your life. Or maybe you just want some extra ideas. Whatever the reason, I got your back! Read on to see some advice that I actually use regularly to feel like a constant Baddie, both physically, and internally confident.

illustration of a digital charcoal drawing of a hand holding hearts and placing in a bucket labeled "yourself" imagery for self love self care

1. Use Social Media the right way

I know, I know, social media usually isn’t associated with high self-esteem, and can usually create lots of insecurity, but this tip completely changed my life. Let me introduce you to the art of ~being your own aesthetic~.

I need you to go on Pinterest right now and go to the search bar. Search up some keywords that describe your appearance. More specifically, type in things you might be struggling with physically. Gained a bit of weight? Plug in “beautiful plus-size women”. Currently breaking out? Maybe search for “pretty acne girl”. These are just some examples. Please look up anything that pertains to you.

screenshot of pinterest, beautiful plus size women inquery

Then, I want you to make a board on Pinterest that says something like “I love me <3” or “Damn, she’s a dime”, and add pins from your searches to that board. Go on Pinterest everyday and look at this board. As you continue to pin, more and more related pins will be recommended to you at the bottom of the board. Plus, your home feed will optimize and soon you’ll be surrounded with tons of beautiful women, who are absolutely owning what you might consider an insecurity.

Pinterest board that says damn, why we so cute tho, filled with 4 images of pretty plus size women with recommendations

This is fun, and simple way to boost your physical confidence. I used this board when my body changed quickly, and I suddenly found myself in a mid-size body. My ego use to identify heavily with being the small, petite skinny girl, but after using this strategy, I question how I ever thought my new body wasn’t beautiful! It will promote a shift in your perspective. This method effortlessly promotes body positivity, and celebrates bodies of all kinds. Surrounding yourself with women who you think are beautiful, but also own the insecurity you’re currently dealing with will give you a slow, but permanent boost of physical self-confidence.

You can also do something similar with Instagram. Although I don’t actively use Instagram anymore, you could create a new account, or use the one you currently own, and follow hashtags that relate to the insecurity you’re currently dealing with. Follow women who look like you, and remind you how beautiful you are.

2. Affirmations

Affirmations are so incredibly powerful! Do not underestimate them. The subconscious will take in, and believe what you’re saying. I suggest you take a sheet of paper or some sticky notes, and tape them to your mirror, or a wall in a place that you’ll be able to see every day. Write down a few sentences or short phrases that you want to become true. Word them in a way that sounds like you. (For example, don’t use overly formal language if that’s not how your inner monologue sounds). These can be something like “I am extremely beautiful, inside and out” or “I feel confident and strong”. They could be anything!

Paste these on your wall or mirror. You can say them out loud, or say they them in your head, but be fully present when you affirm. Eventually, your subconscious will shift to a more positive way of thinking, and these words will become your truth. You’re incredibly powerful!

If you’re currently looking for a relaxing hobby to incorporate into your nightly routine, try out this adult coloring book with positive affirmations. This Etsy shop is owned by me and would support this blog. Beautiful images and a super affordable price for 100 coloring book images!

3. Self-Care!!

This could be a whole post in and of itself because self-care is a huge topic! Basically, we love things that we care of (like that cute puppy or sweet baby), but sometimes we are so busy on other things and other people in life that we forget to care for ourselves. This can indirectly contribute to self-hate. Remember you’re worth taking care of, too. Do things that you love to do, as well as things that you know you should be doing, like exercising, or eating well. This could be painting your nails, spending time to do a cute hairstyle or spoiling ourselves with a relaxing massage. Draw, write, sing or dance…the way self-care looks will be different from person to person. To sum it up, if it feels right, then it is right! And try to incorporate a bit of exercise everyday. You’ll begin to notice your confidence, both mentally & physically, rise.

4. Disregard Unwarranted Opinions

I wrote up a whole blog post just for you on this topic, my dear. To give a quick tl;dr, no one else’s opinion should matter to you. Everyone is just speaking from their past experiences. For example, someone’s idea of what is beautiful may have been installed into them from comments their own parents once said to them. Or perhaps a childhood crush rejected them once, and chose someone else, and that’s what created their opinion of what beauty is. This is why no one’s opinions matter, and they’re definitely not hard fact. Therefore, the only opinion that should matter to you is your own. The only person you should try to impress is yourself. Check out this blog post to dive deeper into what makes a woman a confident, and unapologetic Bad Bitch.

5. Showing Up for Yourself

This can look different day to day. Make promises to yourself and actually achieve them. You can do it! These promises absolutely do not have to be huge, long-term plans, especially if you’ve been in a bit of a rut. In fact, I would encourage the opposite; only choose more simple goals in the beginning if you’ve been really down lately. They could be as simple as “make my bed tomorrow morning”, or “go out for a 10 minute walk around the block”. An extra pro tip is to write it down! When you write things down, you’re more like to achieve them. Put it somewhere you will see everyday and eventually you will act on it.

Final Thoughts

So I know it may be rough right now, but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. And if this is your start to self-love and self-care, I hope you will stick around and follow me on Pinterest & Youtube where I will help support you in your journey. I hope these 5 practical steps will help change your life like they have changed mine.

Feel free to contact me or leave a comment down below! I would love to hear from you.

text overlay on an illustration of a digital charcoal drawing of a hand holding hearts and placing in a bucket labeled "yourself" imagery for self love self care states revitalize yourself 5 practical steps to boost your confidence