Make your life easier: There’s no GLORY in working hard

Rise and grind. Time to hustle. Hard work brings results. Sound familiar?

Man in White Dress Shirt Holding Black Smartphone

In today’s day and age, we often hear sayings that are along these lines. The hustle culture in American society often spit out sayings suggesting that the harder the work, the better. It also tells you that working hard will pay off. There are endless references that working hard will pay off, but what if I told you that’s not true? What if I even told you that this idea is actually backwards?

I mean, think about it… How could that be true when the majority of financially successful people often do nothing all day, and just enjoy life, but the people working 40+ hours a week make pennies compared to their efforts?

Let’s explore this idea with a spiritual take.

Be Water, My Friend

Yin and Yang Printed on Paper

Are you familiar with this symbol? A quick TL;DR: The light part, the Yang side, is the masculine, action side & the dark side represents the feminine, inaction side. In the Western world, we not only prioritize our Yang energies, but we actually glorify it when we say things like “rise and grind” and adopt this workaholic attitude.

Putting your body and mind under constant stress is a great way to raise your blood pressure, which by the way, high blood pressure is known as the silent killer. How can working hard be glorious or the path to “success” if you’re literally dead?

Horseshoe Bend Antelope Canyon

As Deepka Chopra mentions in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, as human beings, we are apart of nature’s effortless nature. (You can read more on this here). We’re SUPPOSED to take the path of least resistance. It’s completely natural! Take water for example. Water has the ability to literally carve the earth, yet it exerts no effort at all. It simply goes with the flow. Similar, you will find your manifestations, and goals in life come to you a lot easier when you take the path of least resistance. I discuss this idea more detail here.

Follow your passions

I know it might sound very Disney, but follow your heart. You intuition knows the way for your soul and will lead you to abundance. You can only become aware of the right path for you when you are still. This is similar to how you can only hear and interpret what someone is saying when you’re not speaking.

What excites you? What motivates you? What would you do today if money didn’t exist? That’s where the magic is. You’ll effortlessly bring about your dream life when you choose to follow your calling. You might be surprised what faith can do!

If you’re looking to add more positivity into your life, as well as reminders that you’re already good enough as you are, feel free to check out my 40 pack of affirmation flashcards that I sell for hardly any profit. These are great to have around in all your spaces, especially around your bed. These are digital affirmation flash cards, so you’ll get access to the bundle immediately. Your support is extremely appreciated!

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Click the photo above to check out my Etsy shop!

Closing Thoughts

Do not mistake this for slothfulness–there is a balance. Action and inaction, Yin and Yang. You will obviously still take action in your life, but we must be careful to remember to relax, and listen as well. Notice your emotions. Reflect on the decisions you’re currently making about school, work, or life in general, notice how they feel. If you’re having negative emotional reactions, like stress or anxiety, then perhaps your gut is trying to tell you something!

Remember that we are human beings and not human doings. Instead of forcing ourselves to painstakingly forge our own path, be more like water and enjoy the ride. Check out my Pinterest for more spiritual clarity!

Disclaimer: I’m just a woman on the internet saying her ideas and they should be taken with a grain of salt.


  • X22Smins says:

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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